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Change Excitel Wifi Name and Password: Admin Login Details

Change Excitel Wifi Name and Password: Admin Login Details

Logging into your Excitel router is a simple 4-step process that is extremely simple for anyone, even if they do not have any IT background.

There are cases when you need to log in to your Excitel Router Admin portal to change your wifi password or admin credentials.

Following are the default credentials for Excitel Router:

  • MAC IP address of the Router:
  • Username: admin or excitel
  • Password (Case Sensitive): exc@123
Usename, password and IP Address of Excitel router

A few typical steps are required when logging into your Excitel Router, almost the same for all models and types made by Excitel.

Let’s discuss them one by one so you can access your router’s admin portal to make any changes and set up your wifi name and password.

Before you can log in to the Excitel Router admin portal, your device, which you will use to access the admin portal, must be connected to the wifi connection being broadcasted by the router.

When you reset or try to configure your wifi for the first time, you will see a unique default wifi name that can be different for different types and models of routers. For Excitel, it will be something like GNXS-2.4G-2BC8C0. You won’t need any password to connect to this wifi address.

You can also use an ethernet cable to connect with your router.

You DO NOT need an active internet connection to access the portal.

You can use any of the following devices to access the portal:

  1. Smartphone
  2. Laptop
  3. PC
  4. Tablet

You will also need a browser. Any default browser will work. Once inside your browser, you need the following three items to access your Excitel Router admin portal.

  1. IP Address to access the portal
  2. Default User Name
  3. Default Password

Access the Admin Portal of Excitel:

Here are four easy steps to log in to your admin portal:

Step 1: Connect to the Excitel Router’s Wi-Fi Network or Via Ethernet Cable

Connect your device to the Wi-Fi network being broadcasted by the Excitel router. Connecting your device to the router’s Wi-Fi network establishes a direct communication link between your device and the router.

Steps to access Excitel Wifi Router. Connect to wifi.

This enables you to access the router’s admin portal and make necessary configuration changes. If you are not connected, you won’t be able to get access to the admin portal.

You can also use an Ethernet Cable to connect to your Excitel Router, but that may need some configuration, and most devices nowadays do not have Ethernet ports.

If you are setting up a new Excitel router or connecting with it after resetting it, you may find its default Wi-Fi Name, which may not need a password to connect with. The wifi name can be different for different routers made by Excitel.

The Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password are required to authenticate and connect your device securely to the router’s network.

Open any web browser on the device that is connected to the Excitel router’s Wi-Fi network or via an ethernet cable. Web browsers provide a user-friendly interface for accessing websites and web-based applications.

Steps to access Excitel Wifi Router. Open Browser.

Opening a web browser allows you to access the Excitel router’s admin portal, typically accessed through a web-based interface.

You DO NOT need an active internet connection to access the Excitel Portal.

Launch the web browser application. It is the primary tool to access and navigate the Excitel Router Admin Portal. It’s more like a way to access the database established inside the router.

Step 3: Access the Excitel Router’s Portal with its IP Address

Type the Excitel router’s IP address in your web browser’s URL bar. The IP address uniquely identifies the Excitel router on the network.

Excitel Router Admin portal IP Address

By typing the router’s IP address in the URL bar, you specify the destination for your web browser to establish a connection. This connection enables you to access the admin portal hosted by the router.

The IP Address is

Try if this does not work. Routers are typically assigned a default IP address that allows users to access their admin portals.

Step 4: Enter the Excitel Router’s Username and Admin Password

In most cases, when you go to the desired IP Address of, you will be presented with a screen like the one below.

Excitel Router Login Window

To get to the login dialogue box where you can enter your credentials, you will have to click on “Back Login” in the top right corner.

After you click “Back Login,” you will be presented with a dialogue box where you can enter your username and password.

You will need to enter the default password and username to get into the admin portal.

Default Admin Password of ExcitelAdmin Portal
  1. The username is “admin“. For some Excitel routers, the admin name can be “excitel” despite admin written on the back.
  2. Enter the password, which is exc@123. Password is also case-sensitive.
  3. In some cases, you may be required to enter a verification code written on the dialogue box in special characters.

If this password does not work, reset your Excitel router by following the steps in the next heading, as someone else might have changed it.

Find the reset button on your Excitel router. It is usually a small, recessed button on the back or bottom of the device. The button may be labeled as “Reset” or represented by a small hole.

Step 2: Prepare to Reset Excitel Router

With the Excitel router powered on, press and hold down the reset button with a paperclip or a similar pointed object. Hold it for about 10-15 seconds.

How to reset Excitel Wifi Router.

Step 3: Power Cycle the Excitel Router

While holding down the reset button, unplug the power cable from the router. Keep the reset button pressed for 10-15 seconds while the router is unplugged.

Step 4: Access Default Settings

Once the Excitel router has finished resetting, it will return to its default factory settings.

You can now access the router’s admin portal using the default login credentials provided by the manufacturer.

It’s important to note that performing a router reset will erase all customized settings, including Wi-Fi passwords, port forwarding configurations, and any other changes you made to the router’s settings.

You will even have to reconfigure your router, which may need expert help.

These default credentials are typically printed on the router itself or included in the router’s documentation. For Excitel, it is; Username: admin or excitel, and the password is exc@123.

After the reset, you’ll need to reconfigure the router according to your preferences.

Additional Read: Syrotech Router Login Admin Password: Change Wifi Password

Most of the time, accessing the admin portal is to change the wifi name and password.

Here are easy steps to follow in case you want to change your Excitel Wifi Name and Password.

Login to the admin portal with IP Address and your username/password.

Login to Excitel Admin portal to change wifi password

Once you are in, click the NETWORK tab on the horizontal menu.

Then click on network for Excitel Router

Then click the 5G or 2.4G tab in the secondary horizontal menu.

Click on 5G or 2.4G

After that, click on the WLAN Basic menu from the left panel and change SSID, which will be your new wifi name. Click apply changes to change the wifi name.

Now Change Wifi Name of EXCITEL router by changing SSID which will be the new wifi name.

To change the wifi password, click the WLAN Security on the left menu.

TO change password, goto WLAN Security and change pre-shared key.

Ensure the encryption type is WPA2 Mixed and the authentication mode is Personal.

Now change the preshared key, which is your new wifi password. Ensure to keep a password that is neither too hard to remember nor too easy to be guessed easily.

Changing the wifi name and password will disconnect all devices and will need to be reconnected.

Since you may not be logging in for the first time to your Excitel Router, and you may have to change your admin portal password, here is how you can do it.

You can not change your username.

So, here is a simple process of how to change your admin password.

  1. Login to the admin portal with the current password and username.
  2. Now go to the Management tab from the horizontal menu on the top.
  3. Enter your existing and new passwords to change the admin portal password of your Excitel Router.
  4. Log out and Login to confirm the change.

In case you forget your admin password, you can always reset your device by following the steps mentioned above.

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